It’s easier for kids to learn how to ride a bike if they have good balance and coordination. Help them learn by starting your little one off on the Joystar Kids Toddler Bike Bicycle with Training Wheels.This toddler training bike is a great way to help your kid transition to a traditional pedal bike. This bike moves as your child pedals and coasts down the sidewalk. Your kiddo will learn how to balance as they roll along.This kids’ bike features 16-inch wheels, a durable steel frame, a coaster brake, removable solid training wheels, and rubber air tires. The toddler bike is built for little kids ages 4 to 7 years old or for kids between 41 and 53 inches tall. The adjustable seat and handlebar allow you to customize the height to fit your growing child. This bike has been designed to minimize the hassle of maintenance, with the full chain guard protecting the chain from getting rusty. Make unforgettable and core memories with your kiddo as they learn how to cycle.Introduce the joys of bike riding to your child with the Joystar Kids Bike Bicycle with Training Wheels.
- Help your little one learn to balance and ride with this toddler balance bike
- Training wheels on the bike help your kid find their center of balance
- Features 16-inch wheels, a durable steel frame, a coaster brake, removable solid training wheels, and rubber air tires
- Built for little kids ages 4 to 7 years old or for kids between 41 and 53 inches tall
- This bike has been designed to minimize the hassle of maintenance, with the full chain guard protecting the chain from getting rusty
- Coaster brake ensures that braking will be easy to stop, rubber tires have great grip and stability for different weathers
- Make unforgettable and core memories with your kiddo as they learn how to cycle
- Color: Black
- Dimensions (L x W x H): 37.02 x 7.09 x 17.72 inches
- Weight: 25.64 pounds
Country of Origin: China
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